C/C++ Interactive Reference Guide
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Windowing for the IBM PC with the C Language
Version 1.00
C_WINDOW is a collection of functions that give windowing capa-
bility to the C programmer using an IBM PC or true compatible.
C_WINDOW is written entirely in MicroSoft (Lattice) C, Version
2.03. It was compiled using the small model for both code and
data and is distributed in .OBJ format, ready to be linked to
your C programs. The source code of C_WINDOW is available for
$15. See page 11 of this documentation for details.
The core C_WINDOW files are:
C_WINDOW.OBJ - The compiled windowing code
C_WINDOW.DOC - The documentation
C_WDEF.INC - Include file for your C code
C_W-DEMO.EXE - Windowing demonstration program
To use the C_WINDOW functions in your Lattice C program:
(1) Include the file C_WDEF.INC in your C source file.
C_WDEF.INC defines the C_WINDOW functions and associated
constants and variables. If the C_WDEF.INC file is missing,
you can extract it from the sample program C_W-DEMO.C listed
at the end of this documentation.
(2) Compile your C source file using the small code and data
(3) Link C_WINDOW.OBJ to your code:
LINK CS + yourprog + C_WINDOW, yourprog.EXE,, MCS.LIB
To allow other C compilers to compile the C_WINDOW source code,
standard C syntax is used where-ever possible. There are only
three non-standard C functions used: INT86(), PEEK() and POKE().
If your compiler doesn't include these functions, you will have
to write your own. Lattice C compatible versions of the three
above functions, written in assembler, plus a full explanation,
are on the source code disk. Also, if you don't have an IBM PC or
compatible, and you are familiar with reading and writing to the
video RAM of your computer, you can adapt C_WINDOW for use on
your PC.
Near the end of this documentation is the C source of a sample
windowing program. It has been compiled as C_W-DEMO.EXE and is
part of the C_WINDOW package. If C_W-DEMO.EXE is missing, you can
extract the source of C_W-DEMO.C from this documentation and
compile it to see a demonstration of C_WINDOW.
An array of bytes, called the window buffer, is used to store
each defined window, plus the section of the screen that each
window overlays. The window buffer size has been defined in the
C_WINDOW code to be 10000 bytes. This is a compromise value.
Larger allows more active window definitions, smaller means a
smaller program. When a window is defined, storage is allocated
in the window buffer. The standard IBM PC screen, in 80 column
alphanumeric mode, uses 4000 bytes (80 x 25 x 2) of video RAM.
Each character on the screen has a trailing attribute byte that
indicates if the character is bright or dark, blinking, etc.
10000 bytes is enough to create a window the size of the screen
(4000 bytes to save old screen, 4000 for window), plus another
little window. Or several medium sized windows.
C_WINDOW allows deallocation of window storage so you can have as
many windows as you like by deallocating and redefining them as
needed. The only restriction is that only as many windows as can
be defined in the window buffer can be visible at any one time.
The main reason why the window buffer's size is explicitly
defined in the code, rather than using dynamic memory allocation
is that if the program can load on a particular computer with x
amount of memory, then it will run on that computer. The program
is self-contained.
FUNCTIONS. Do NOT neglect to do this, as several important data
pointers are initialized.
There are two kinds of functions available: those that are
specific to the C_WINDOW environment, and those that are comple-
mentary. The functions specific to C_WINDOW are preceded by "W_".
The four major windowing functions are:
(1) Defining a window with W_DEF().
(2) Opening a window with W_OPEN().
(3) Closing the most recently opened window with W_CLOSE().
(4) Deallocating window(s) and releasing window buffer
space with W_KILL().
The flag "err_exit" controls the action taken when a windowing
error occurs. "err_exit" is declared as EXTERNal CHAR in
C_WDEF.INC. If you set "err_exit" to TRUE (default), the program
will return to the operating system after an error message window
is displayed. The name of the windowing function and what is
wrong with what you are asking the function to do will be
indicated in the error message window.
If you set "err_exit" FALSE, for all C_WINDOW functions that
return a status code (1 == OK, 0 == error), be sure to check that
no error has occurred. If a windowing function returns an error
code, do not ignore it. Terminate the program and check your
code for the cause of the error. Often the problem is as simple
as mixing the X and Y coordinates up, or not specifying enough
arguments when a function is called.
A window's width and height is specified when it is defined. When
it is opened, it can be located at any location on the screen, as
long as it doesn't stray outside of the screen's boundaries. If
you have specified a border for a window, the writeable area of
the window is reduced to fit inside the border. THE UPPER LEFT
No more than one version of a defined window can be open at any
one time, irregardless of screen placement. This is because each
window's storage contains information about the section of screen
it overlaid and opening a second version of the same window would
overwrite that information.
W_WRITE() is the C_WINDOW screen writing function. It does not
attempt to interpret and act on any characters, including carriage
returns and line feeds. The only action taken is to wrap-around on
the active window if the cursor is at the right side of the window
and to scroll up if the bottom of the window is reached. Any extra
text handling will have to be added by you. The advantage is that
you can write any character to a window with W_WRITE().
W_GETSTR() is the C_WINDOW screen string input function. You can
specify the maximum length of an input string so that no borders
are over-written. Character editing capabilities are included.
The standard C function SSCANF() can be used to perform formatted
input conversion on the string read by W_GETSTR().
Any standard C input/output functions that involve outputting
carriage returns or line feeds to the screen MUST be avoided when
a window is open. The standard C input/output functions know
nothing about the windowing environment and can easily write
across a window's border. Functions like PRINTF() can be used
with care, providing the user (1) first positions the cursor in a
window with W_GOTOXY() (2) never sends a carriage return or line
feed to the screen and (3) avoids writing across a window's
All function calls must include all parameters, even if they are
only dummy place-holders. For example, if a window has been
defined without a border, the window opening function W_OPEN()
must include all 5 parameters, even though the border type
specification is ignored.
C_WINDOW automatically selects 80 column alphanumeric mode
whether you have a monochrome or graphics screen. The windowing
functions W_WRITE(), W_GETSTR(), and W_DSP1() expect character
attributes. Attribute definitions, controlling character color,
intensity, etc, are contained in W_DEF.INC. You combine them by
ORing definitions together. For example, FG_BLUE | BG_RED yields
blue characters on a red background. To select standard white-on-
black for either a monochrome or color screen, specify 7 as the
character attribute.
W_INIT - Initialize windowing
W_INIT() sets up pointers to the window buffer, detects the type
of monitor (color or monochrome), selects 80 column alphanumeric
mode, sets the display page to zero, and sets up initial window
dimensions to 80 x 25. If your computer is not an IBM PC or
compatible, W_INIT will detect this and abort the program.
FUNCTIONS. Failure to do this can cause random sections of memory
to be overwritten.
W_DEF - Define a window
wnum = w_def (wid, hgt, border);
int wnum; /* 0 if error, window access number otherwise */
int wid; /* Width of window, including optional border */
int hgt; /* Height of window, including optional border */
char border; /* TRUE (1) if border, FALSE (0) if no border */
if ((w1 = w_def(x1, y1, TRUE)) == 0)
/* w_def error handler here */
/* otherwise continue */
Define a window and reserve storage for it in the window buffer.
A window must be defined before it is opened.
The width and height parameters include the window border, if a
border is specified. If the window has a border, then the
writeable area of the window is reduced to fit inside the border.
For example, a bordered window that has a width of 30 and a height
of 10 has writeable coordinates of 0..27 in the horizontal (X)
direction and 0..7 in the vertical (Y) direction. If the window
didn't have a border, the X and Y ranges would be 0..29 and 0..9
You cannot define a window larger than the standard screen. Also,
the window must not be smaller than three columns by three rows
if a border is specified and one row by one column if no border
is specified. In other words, at least one writeable character
position must be on the window.
Be sure to check the return code for 0, the error condition.
Errors occur if the window is too small, too big, or if there is
not enough room for the window in the window buffer.
W_OPEN - Open a pre-defined window
status = w_open (wnum, x, y, bdr_type, clear);
int status; /* 1 if sucess, 0 if error */
int wnum; /* Value returned by a previous W_DEF() */
int x; /* Horizontal coordinate of upper left corner */
int y; /* Vertical coordinate of upper left corner */
char bdr_type; /* Border type (if specified by W_DEF()) */
char clear; /* TRUE means pre-clear window, FALSE means
retain previous contents */
Open a window that has been previously defined by a call to
W_DEF(). If a window is being opened for the first time, then the
contents of the window are initialized to spaces. If the window
is being opened after having been previously open, the previous
contents of the window will be re-displayed, unless "clear" is
set to TRUE. The include file W_DEF.INC defines the six border
"x" and "y" are absolute locations on the standard 80 x 25 screen
and specify the location of the upper left corner of the window
to be opened.
Be sure to check the return code for 0, the error condition.
Errors occur if wnum is to small or big, if the window is already
open, or if the window won't fit on the screen at the absolute
X,Y location specified.
W_CLOSE - Close a window
Close the most recently opened window and restore the previously
overwritten section of screen.
If you attempt to close the standard screen, W_CLOSE() will
simply return, so extra W_CLOSE() calls are ignored.
There is no error return code.
W_KILL - Deallocate window(s)
status = w_kill (wnum);
int status; /* 1 if sucess, 0 if error */
int wnum; /* Number of window to kill */
Deallocate window, and all subsequently defined windows. For
if ((w1 = w_def(x1, y1, FALSE)) == 0)
/* Error handler here */
if ((w2 = w_def(x2, y2, TRUE)) == 0)
/* Error handler here */
if ((w3 = w_def(x3, y3, TRUE)) == 0)
/* Error handler here */
/* De-allocate w2. Also de-allocate w3, because */
/* it was defined after w2, but not w1, because */
/* it was defined before w2 */
if ((status = w_kill(w2)) == 0)
/* w_kill error handler here */
When W_KILL() is called, all of the open windows on the screen
are automatically closed. This is done because the deallocated
window(s) may be partially or fully under a window that is not
being deallocated.
Be sure to check the return code for 0, the error condition.
Errors occur if wnum is too small or too big or if no window is
associated with wnum.
W_SCROLL - Scroll contents of window
w_scroll (dir, num);
int dir; /* Direction of scroll; 0 == up, 1 == down */
int num; /* Number of lines to scroll */
The current window is scrolled in "dir" direction for "num"
W_WRITE - Write a string to a window
w_write (s, attrib);
char *s; /* Pointer to string */
char attrib; /* String display attribute */
Display NULL terminated string in current window at location set
by W_GOTOXY(). If the right hand side of the window is reached,
the cursor will wrap-around to the next line. If the cursor
reaches the bottom of the current window, the contents of the
window will scroll up 1 line.
No control characters are recognized, so any character can be
See C_WDEF.INC for the pre-defined display attribute values.
W_GETSTR - Read string
w_getstr (s, maxc, attrib);
char *s; /* Pointer to input buffer */
int maxc; /* Max char count */
char attrib; /* attribute of characters entered */
Read a string from the keyboard. Always position the cursor with
W_GOTOXY() before calling W_GETSTR(). "maxc" is the maximum
number of characters allowed. The cursor will not move beyond the
limit specified by "maxc". For example, if "maxc" == 10, then
only 10 characters can be entered. This is useful for avoiding
over-writing a window's borders.
You can edit the input string:
(1) Pressing <RETURN> as the first keystroke leaves the
input buffer unaltered.
(2) If the first keystroke is a printable character, the
rest of the input buffer will be cleared.
(3) The back-space key deletes one character to the left
of the cursor.
(4) The DEL key deletes the character above the cursor.
(5) The left and right arrow keys move the cursor along
the input buffer string.
(6) Pressing <RETURN> ends the editing.
The input buffer must be at least 1 byte longer than "maxc", to
make room for the trailing '\0', which is always appended.
See C_WDEF.INC for the pre-defined display attribute values.
W_DSP1 - Display 1 character
status = w_dsp1 (x, y, ch, attrib)
int status; /* 1 if OK, 0 if error */
int x; /* X position */
int y; /* Y position */
char ch; /* character */
char attrib; /* attribute */
Display a single character at an X, Y location relative to the
currently open window.
If no windows are open, the X and Y coordinates correspond to
absolute locations on the standard 80 x 25 screen. The upper left
coordinate is (0, 0).
See C_WDEF.INC for the pre-defined display attribute values.
Be sure to check the return code for 0, the error condition. An
error occurs if the X,Y position is outside of the currently
active window.
W_GETCY - Get vertical (Y) position of cursor
i = w_getcy();
int i; /* Y position */
This function returns the current Y position of the cursor,
relative to the upper left corner (0, 0) of the writeable part of
the current window. If no windows are open, the Y position is
relative to the upper left corner of the standard screen.
W_GETCX - Get horizontal (X) position of cursor
i = w_getcx();
int i; /* X position */
This function returns the current X position of the cursor,
relative to the upper left corner (0, 0) of the writeable part of
the current window. If no windows are open, the X position is
relative to the upper left corner of the standard screen.
W_GOTOXY - Move cursor
status = w_gotoxy (x, y);
int status; /* 1 if OK, 0 if error */
int x; /* Horizontal position */
int y; /* Vertical position */
Go to specified X, Y location on the writeable part of the
current window. If you specified a border when you defined and
opened the window, the writeable part of the window is reduced to
fit inside the border. For example, if you specified a window
that was 10 x 10, and it had a border, then the horizontal (X)
and vertical (Y) coordinates for W_GOTOXY() can vary between
If there are no windows open, the coordinates refer to the
standard 80 x 25 screen.
Be sure to check the return code for 0, the error condition. An
error occurs if the X,Y position is outside of the currently
active window.
The following functions are not part of the C_WINDOW environment.
They are included because they provide useful windowing support.
BORDER - Draw border on screen
status = border (x, y, wid, hgt, type);
int status; /* 1 if sucess, 0 if error */
int x; /* Upper left horizontal position */
int y; /* Upper left vertical position */
int wid; /* Width of border */
int hgt; /* Height of border */
char type; /* Type of border */
Draw a border around an area of the screen. X and Y are absolute
coordinates, relative to the standard 80 x 25 screen. The upper
leftmost coordinate of the standard screen is (0, 0) and the lower
right coordinate of the standard screen is (79, 24).
There are six types of borders:
(a) type = 0; /* Border outline is spaces */
(b) type = 1; /* Single line border,
Horizontal and vertical */
(c) type = 2; /* Double line border,
Horizontal and vertical */
(d) type = 3; /* Double horizontal lines,
Single vertical lines */
(e) type = 4; /* Single horizontal lines,
Double vertical lines */
(f) type = 5; /* Solid block horizontal and vertical */
The include file C_WDEF.INC defines the border types listed above.
Be sure to check the return code for 0, the error condition. An
error occurs if the border type is not one of the types specified
or if the border will not fit on the standard 80 x 25 screen.
KEYIN - Read a keyboard character
c = keyin();
char c; /* Character returned */
Read the next character entered at the keyboard. The character is
not echoed to the screen. C_WDEF.INC declares a variable "extend"
as EXTERNal CHAR. If the character location "extend" is set to
TRUE (1) when KEYIN() returns, then the value returned by KEYIN()
is the extended character code. Otherwise, the character is a
regular ASCII character. For example:
c = keyin();
if (extend)
/* process function keys, etc */
/* standard character */
BEEP - Sound speaker
int count; /* Duration */
Beep the speaker. A value of 500 for "count" gives a short chirp.
"count" is an integer value, so it must not exceed 32,767.
There are two places to get the C_WINDOW source code:
In the USA for $15: In Europe for 12 English pounds:
Christopher McVicar John Poole
124 Wellington Heights 27 Cobham Road
Avon, Connecticut 06001 Ferndown Industrial Est.
Wimborne, Dorset, England
The source code will be sent the same day we receive payment. It
will be on a DOS 1.1 formatted single sided floppy diskette for
compatibility with all versions of PC-DOS and MS-DOS.
Also on the diskette are:
(1) A text file explaining what the Lattice C functions
PEEK(), POKE(), and INT86() do.
(2) Lattice C compatible 8086 assembler sources for
PEEK(), POKE(), and INT86().
Users of C_WINDOW do so at their own risk. No representations as
to the program's suitability for any purpose are made. Users of
C_WINDOW are entirely responsible for loss or damage of any kind
caused by C_WINDOW.
Non-commercial users of C_WINDOW may use C_WINDOW without any
Commercial users of C_WINDOW, i.e. individuals or companies using
or planning to use C_WINDOW as part of a saleable product, must
contact one of us and get written permission to include part or
all of C_WINDOW in their product. This is only a formality to
keep a company or individual from selling an essentially
unmodified version of C_WINDOW as their own product.
C_WINDOW Version 1.0 demonstration program contained
in C_WINDOW.DOC and compiled as C_W-DEMO.EXE
/* Use your text editor to place the following */
/* defines and declarations in an include file */
/* called C_WDEF.INC if C_WDEF.INC is missing. */
/* C_WDEF.INC - Include file for C_WINDOW Vers 1.0 */
#define FALSE 0
#define TRUE 1
/* Window border types sent to w_open() */
#define SPACES 0 /* blanks */
#define SNGL_LN 1 /* single lines */
#define DBL_LN 2 /* double lines */
#define MXD_1 3 /* double horiz, single vert */
#define MXD_2 4 /* double vert, single horiz */
#define BLK_LN 5 /* block characters */
/* Monochrome defines */
#define NORM 0x07 /* std. white on black */
#define REVERS 0x70 /* reverse video */
/* Character display attributes, to be */
/* added or ORed to the above base modes */
#define BRIGHT 0x08
#define BLINK 0x80
/* Color screen foreground defines */
#define FG_BLACK 0x00
#define FG_BLUE 0x01
#define FG_GREEN 0x02
#define FG_CYAN 0x03
#define FG_RED 0x04
#define FG_MAGENTA 0x05
#define FG_BROWN 0x06
#define FG_WHITE 0x07
#define FG_GRAY 0x08
#define FG_LTBLUE 0x09 /* light blue */
#define FG_LTGREEN 0x0A /* light green */
#define FG_LTCYAN 0x0B /* light cyan */
#define FG_LTRED 0x0C /* light red */
#define FG_LTMAGENTA 0x0D /* light magenta */
#define FG_YELLOW 0x0E
#define FG_BRTWHITE 0x0F /* bright white */
/* Color screen background defines to be ORed to */
/* the above foreground colors */
#define BG_BLACK 0x00
#define BG_BLUE 0x10
#define BG_GREEN 0x20
#define BG_CYAN 0x30
#define BG_RED 0x40
#define BG_MAGENTA 0x50
#define BG_BROWN 0x60
#define BG_WHITE 0x70
/* Color screen blink attribute to be ORed to the */
/* above foreground colors */
#define COLRBLINK 0x80
/* Direction of window scroll */
#define UP 0
#define DOWN 1
/* Border parameter sent to w_def () */
#define NOBORDER 0
#define BORDER 1
/* Parameter sent to w_open () */
#define NOCLR 0 /* No window pre-clear */
#define CLR 1 /* Pre-clear window */
/* Allow access to C_WINDOW functions */
extern w_init ();
extern w_def ();
extern w_open ();
extern w_close ();
extern w_kill ();
extern w_write ();
extern w_dsp1 ();
extern w_getstr ();
extern w_scroll ();
extern w_getcx ();
extern w_getcy ();
extern w_gotoxy ();
/* Non-windowing specific */
extern border ();
extern keyin ();
extern beep ();
/* Flag altered by keyin () */
extern char extend;
/* Flag used in error handling */
extern char err_exit;
int w1, w2, w3, w4;
int i, c;
char str[10];
char *strptr;
/* always call this function first */
w_init ();
strptr = str;
w_gotoxy (30, 7);
w_write ("Windows for C", NORM|BRIGHT);
border (10, 5, 55, 7, BLK_LN);
w_gotoxy (21, 8);
w_write ("*C_WINDOW Demonstration Program*", NORM);
w_gotoxy (25, 9);
w_write ("(Source in C_WINDOW.DOC)", NORM);
w_gotoxy (17, 15);
w_write ("Send $15 for the source of C_WINDOW to:", NORM);
w_gotoxy (26, 18);
w_write ("Christopher McVicar", NORM|BRIGHT);
w_gotoxy (31, 19);
w_write ("c/o IMAGE", NORM|BRIGHT);
w_gotoxy (25, 20);
w_write ("124 Wellington Heights", NORM|BRIGHT);
w_gotoxy (28, 21);
w_write ("Avon, CT 06001", NORM|BRIGHT);
w_gotoxy (50, 23);
w_write ("Press any key to continue", NORM|BRIGHT);
keyin ();
/* define 4 windows */
w1 = w_def (75, 5, BORDER);
w2 = w_def (60, 20, BORDER);
w3 = w_def (33, 14, BORDER);
w4 = w_def (44, 9, BORDER);
w_open (w1, 0, 3, DBL_LN, CLR);
w_write ("Text can be ", NORM);
w_write ("blinking, ", NORM|BLINK);
w_write ("blinking bright, ", NORM|BRIGHT|BLINK);
w_write ("or just ", NORM|BRIGHT);
w_write ("bright. ", NORM|BRIGHT);
w_write ("All graphics card colors are also available. ",NORM);
w_write ("Press any key to continue", NORM);
keyin ();
w_open (w2, 20, 2, DBL_LN, CLR);
w_write ("The window can scroll up or down...", NORM);
w_gotoxy (0, 1);
w_write ("Press any key to continue", NORM);
keyin ();
for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
w_write ("Scrolling ", NORM);
w_write ("up ",NORM|BLINK);
w_write ("in the window ", NORM|BRIGHT);
w_scroll (UP, 5);
w_gotoxy (0, 17);
w_write ("Press any key to continue", NORM);
keyin ();
w_open (w3, 10, 5, MXD_1, CLR);
w_write ("Press any key to continue", NORM);
keyin ();
w_open (w4, 4, 10, BLK_LN, CLR);
*(strptr+1) = 0; /* NULL terminated string */
w_gotoxy (0, 1);
w_write ("When a window is open, lines automatically", NORM);
w_gotoxy (0, 2);
w_write ("wrap around when the right edge is reached", NORM);
w_gotoxy (0, 3);
w_write ("Type in a line of characters or press", NORM);
w_gotoxy (0, 4);
w_write ("<Carriage Return>..", NORM);
w_gotoxy (0, 5);
w_write ("Press ", NORM);
w_write ("to quit.", NORM);
w_gotoxy (0, 6);
while (1) {
/* 59 is extended code for function key 1 */
if (((*strptr = keyin ()) == 59) && extend)
/* carriage return */
if (*strptr == 0x0D) {
w_scroll (UP, 1);
i = w_getcy ();
w_gotoxy (0, i);
w_write (strptr, NORM);
w_close ();
strptr = "12345";
w_gotoxy (0, 0);
w_write ("Strings can be edited using the", NORM);
w_gotoxy (0, 1);
w_write ("usual editing keys. Try editing", NORM);
w_gotoxy (0, 2);
w_write ("the following five character", NORM);
w_gotoxy (0, 3);
w_write ("string:", NORM);
w_gotoxy (0, 4);
w_write ("<Carriage Return> to continue..", NORM);
w_gotoxy (8, 3);
w_getstr (strptr, 5, NORM|BRIGHT);
w_close ();
keyin ();
w_close ();
/* reopen prev window */
w_open (w2, 0, 3, BLK_LN, NOCLR);
w_gotoxy (0, 16);
w_write ("Windows can be re-opened at a different location..",
w_gotoxy (0, 17);
w_write ("Press any key to continue", NORM);
keyin ();
w_close ();
keyin ();
w_close ();